Join us to hear insights from engineers and influencers. Keynotes are open to all.
Wednesday, October 16 | 10:15 - 11 a.m. | Engineering Theater
Artificial Intelligence is an impressively fast-moving technology in all fields, and especially for medical devices. In this keynote, Pat Baird, Senior Regulatory Specialist at Philips, will address new and emerging regulations and standards (both national and international), differences between Predictive AI and Generative AI, and where this technology will take us in the next few years.
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Wednesday, October 16 | 1:15 - 2 p.m. | Engineering Theater
Digitalization can take companies to new levels of manufacturing efficiencies on the way to becoming an automated, data driven organization. Digital threads form the backbone that enables digitalization, and companies can leverage AI to mature the adoption curve and expand their foundational capabilities.
Learn how Digitalization is transforming organizations, from product design through manufacturing and into service delivery. Tools such as AI, XR, and digital twins are driving the future of manufacturing, allowing companies to harness the enormous quantities of data generated by Industrial IoT that power the new insights and opportunities required to stay ahead of the competition.
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Thursday, October 17 | 10:15 – 11 a.m. | Engineering Theater
The future of healthcare delivery is more precise, personalized, and accessible. This view into the future explores the transformative potential of 3D printing/additive manufacturing (AM), 3D scanning, extended reality (XR), and artificial intelligence (AI) in revolutionizing how we deliver medical care. In this keynote, Amy Alexander from Mayo Clinic will delve into these four key growth areas. By exploring the future directions of these technologies, this view highlights their potential to significantly improve patient outcomes, reduce healthcare costs, and personalize medical care, bringing a more efficient, effective, and accessible healthcare system, and paving the way for a healthier tomorrow.
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Thursday, October 17 | 1:15 – 2 p.m. | Engineering Theater
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is the largest, most complex and powerful space telescope ever built. It is also the world’s first space deployable telescope and includes 10 new technologies. The construction took over 100-million man hours by hundreds of companies spread over the globe. JWST contains the largest mirror ever launched into space and two different types of extraordinarily sensitive detectors. The JWST just passed its second year in space and is performing twice as well as required. Jon Arenburg, Chief Mission Architect for the JWST at Northrop Grumman Space, oversaw the integrated design performance for the project. In this keynote, Jon will review the mission and then delve into the sensors and other devices developed for the project. And, of course, he will share some of the jaw-dropping images the JWST has sent back.
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